Aug. 31, 2021

Killer Disney Robots, A Xena Reboot(?) and Hacks

Killer Disney Robots, A Xena Reboot(?) and Hacks

Nerd News featuring a Xena reboot update and the Podcourt verdict is in. Plus Hacks is really good.  Please subscribe, rate and review! You can find us on Instagram @shenerdsoutpodcast, on Twitter @SNOPodcast and Facebook She Nerds Out, on the...

Nerd News featuring a Xena reboot update and the Podcourt verdict is in. Plus Hacks is really good. 

Please subscribe, rate and review! You can find us on Instagram @shenerdsoutpodcast, on Twitter @SNOPodcast and Facebook She Nerds Out, on the web at and you can send us an email at!