Tara Chadwick
Tara's queer nerding out began early. While other girls wanted to play with Barbie's, Tara wanted to watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Even then she thought to herself, "do I want to BE the pink power ranger, or be WITH the pink power ranger?" Turns out, a little of both!
Her love for sci-fi, fantasy, and action-adventure films and tv grew over time, until it could only be contained in a queer, nerdy podcast. Whether it's classics like Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Xena, or more recent favorites like Wynonna Earp and Warrior Nun, Tara is here for it.
Tara has worked as a video editor and filmmaker in Los Angeles for over ten years, works at a hospital just like Meredith Grey (have you heard?), and currently lives with her two cats and giant dog/moose, Charley.